What's the Trends of Eyewear in Upcoming 2021

Milan fashion week A/W 2020 far from our life for a long time. In the end of 2020, I think it is a good idea to share the images and fashion taste of this event. (All the images are taken from EyeRepublic. Photo: Maria Galtseva. 03.05.2020)


Street style always has a great effect on our fashion taste. These influencers and fashionistas always have the magic power to push the fashion movement. From the show, we can discover some possible trends for 2021.


1. One-piece Mask Shades

One-piece mask shades are extremely popular this year and after the appearance of the pandemic, people are more eager to wear mask shades or shield shades. People increase their awareness of protecting their face. On this occasion, they'd like to choose eyewear which contains both functions and fashion. You can wear it all day long and stay stylish, whether at home or go outside.

 One-piece Mask Shades

One-piece Mask ShadesOne-piece Mask Shades2.Vintage Small Rectangle Shades

That's really an extreme from mask shades to small rectangle shades. As we know, the 90's fashion trend is extremely hot this year, maybe the Matrix-style sunglasses are back to our sight. This vintage style will be last long till 2021 since Matrix 4 will come soon in 2021 and this film will no doubt affect lots of people. It will be a good chance to keep the vintage trend.

Vintage Small Rectangle Shades

Vintage Small Rectangle Shades

Vintage Small Rectangle ShadesWhat is your favorite trend according to the images from Milan fashion week A/W 2020? And would you prefer a vintage pair of a big mask one?


Source: Eyerepublic

Photo: Maria Galtseva


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