Be Halo
The Reason Jim Halo Exists Is Simple
At Jim Halo, we believe in being kind to your eyes, true to your personality, gentle on your wallet, and good to one another. Because we want you to shine when the Sun does - from the inside out.
We get it, sunglasses are just as often used as fashion accessories as they are for actual UV protection, and we know what it’s like to suffer through lens glare for the sake of style and moderate pricing. But at Jim Halo, we want to merge fashion and functionality back together. We want you to be bold in your eyewear while being kind to your eyes.
And why stop with your eyes? Spread that luminosity. The world is bright, and though we know it can be harsh in some lighting, we want you to see its potential through our lenses. So put on your shades, spread some light, take on that radiant day ahead of you, and rock your Halos.
Go ahead, look on the bright side.
Our Mission
At Jim Halo, we believe everyone deserves high-quality protective eyewear without having to break the bank or sacrifice personal style. Our collections promise no-glare lenses in a variety of affordable fashions that make a statement without compromising on quality.
Our Vision
We want everyone to take care of their eyes while rocking their own unique style, and as Jim Halo continues to grow, we aim to make our affordable lenses available worldwide at the click of a button in quality collections that speak to every fashion sense.